Monday 11 May 2009

The Curse of the Fish Tank?

Finally, our brave little soldier Hugo, to whom I was becoming somewhat attached, gasped his last and floated to the top of the water.

Over a week ago, he was fine, and then developed an utter plague of diseases. By blobs reckoning he had white spot, fungus, fin rot and swim bladder issues all at the same time.

Because she really does have a good heart despite her constant neglect of me, she raced out to the pet shop and purchased a whole bag of medicines, then spent half a day syphoning water out, pouring water in, treating, filtering, adding plants, removing gravel, replacing gravel, testing ph, nitrates, nitrites, ammonia and chlorine.

The next day, believe it or not, little Hugo appeared to perk up. He was swimming around like a loony, eating all the plants and lookin much better.

In another couple of days, the white spots were getting a bit less and his fins appeared to be less shabby.

He continued to improve for the next couple of days and blob and I breathed a sigh of relief and blob started to plan getting some friends in for him.

The next morning however, he was floating on the surface. Blob was actually quite upset, she even kept poking him to see if he was pretending. To see perhaps that if she poked him far enough down in the water, he would wake up.

He didn't.

We have no fish at the moment. Blob is spending a couple of weeks in mourning. She has cleaned the tank and all that was in it and having treated the water, she decided to wait 3 weeks with the filter running and the plants in place to get the bacteria to proper levels.

She wants to get fish again, but she is going to wait until just before her party (and that is a whole other story).

She still didn't let me eat hugo when he was dead, but this time I am going to forgive her. She really was very upset about the demise of all her fish, especially Hugo.

I shall wait for a reasonable amount of time before I start ruling her life with teeth, claws and attitude; a couple of hours perhaps.

Must get a kip whilst I am waiting.


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