Sunday 3 October 2010


I have to start with that somewhat obvious statement, because Blobs sister rang the other day and asked if she and I were OK.

Apparently its the first thing she checks when she hasn't heard from Blob in a week or so and then because there had been no updates for a few weeks, she had to call to find out if we were dead or not.

Well, we're not!

Bob has been hogging all computer time playing daft games (again) and more recently has been designing the Epsom Air Scouts website.

To be honest, there hasn't been much to tell.

September is a funny old month with the potential for an indian summer although in this case, the likelihood of dropping temperatures and the beginning of a wet and windy Winter.

Things of interest this month were me getting stung by a sleepy wasp which was, according to Blob, my fault entirely because when she flicked it off the curtain into the garden I wasn't supposed to chase it. I limped for at least 20 minutes and what sympathy did I get? None as usual.

I discovered I rather like sweet and milky porridge. I only know this because Blob, in the style of the three bears left a bowl of porridge on the table to cool whilst she went upstairs and abluted.

When she came back she seemed to think i had had my face in it. An accusation that I hotly denied. However apparently the lumps of porridge on my chin and the milk dripping off my whiskers was a dead give away. Damn my fine whiskers!

One of my whiskers is going grey (nothing to do with porridge and milk) - something that seems to cause Blob more amusement that it perhaps warrants.

This weekend, although the heating is still very much off, the woodburner was lit and i have spent the first of hopefully many lethargic weekends, basking on my back whilst my tummy roasts. (Nearly as good as porridge).

October I expect will be a little more interesting, what with Halloween, Xmas poems and hopefully lots and lots of porridge!

Yours hopefully


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