Saturday 23 October 2010

More things I like to eat!

Today Blob has been baking and I have been helping!

First I tried helping by sitting behind her and watching her whilst she mixed things up, but she trod on me twice so I moved out of the kitchen and sat on a chair so i could see her without being in trampling distance.

I had to interrupt her a couple of times by plaintive wailing whilst a fat Great Tit helped itself to the peanuts hanging in a bird feeder that Blob bought me for my birthday. I think the original idea was that birds come to feed and i get let out to feed on said birds, but being of the female persuasion, Blob has obviously changed her mind. So she stood and watched, whilst I cried at the bottom of the patio window.

Baking however is an interesting thing to watch.

What happens is that Blob puts butter and sugar in a bowl and mushes it together, then she turns her back and starts weighing out flour.

Then she turns back to the bowl with the butter and sugar in and shouts at me for putting my paw in the mix. The art is to get onto the worksurface really quietly and what helps with this is making sure that everything else I do is done noisily.

This way, Blob reckons that she will always hear me coming!

Anyway, after she has measured the flour, she gets eggs out of the fridge and mixes them up in with the sugar and butter. Then she has to move the mixing bowl because having refused to get off the worksurface, I start trying to climb in the mixing bowl.

Once Blob has managed to mix in the eggs and the flour and knock me off the worksurface by poking me with the wooden spoon, she scrapes the mix into a cake tin which has been buttered by blob and licked by me when she wasn't watching, and then put into the oven.

While it cooks, I get to take a break and lick off the cake mix that was on the wooden spoon I got poked with. Its a hard life.

When the cake comes out of the oven its consistency has changed completely, and Blob turns it out and leaves it on a rack to cool.

She comes down stairs a few minutes later to find me back on the worksurface and patting the underside of the cake because its hot and steamy and it smells good.

I'm not sure who she intends to serve this up to, but I do love baking!


1 comment:

  1. Pandora Kitten helps me bake in a similar fashion. It's uncanny...

    And when Lily Kitten was still at the Manor (God bless her furry kitten soul), I once found her asleep on top of a pair of sponge cake halves I had left to cool on the work surface. I shooed her off, but wasn't sure I'd be able to hide the resulting cat-shaped dent with buttercream sufficiently well that no-one would know what had happened.
