Saturday 16 October 2010

Potentially more Euthanasia?

Following a phone conversation with her sister, Blob was in a pretty black mood.

I'm not sure that I fully understand the implications but apparently Blob's mother has decided to write both her and her sister out of her will in favour of Blobs's niece.

Blob doesn't begrudge the Master Munchkin anything, but doesn't understand exactly what has brought on the change. She doesn't know what she has done wrong.

Truth be told she probably hasn't done anything wrong.

She doesn't actually like to think of anyone dying and in most instances she would rather they didn't but the truth of the matter is that when your parents die, you inherit their estate, be it a £50 premium bond or a whole house. And lets face it we are all going to die - it is probably the only universal truth upon which we all agree.

To be written out of your parents will for absolutely no reason is basically your parents giving you a two fingered salute and telling you that you are worthless and mean nothing to them.

Well all I can say to that, and I think I speak for Blob, is


Where's that hammer?



  1. Even more galling is seeing a sibling, for example, oh, I don't, a brother f'rinstance, gobbling his way through your parents' money whilst they are still alive.

    However, having inherited nothing from my father, I am now in the happy position of not expecting to inherit anything from my mother either.

    And all this from a family whose ancestor invented Pimms! As Andy said,'where did all the wealth go??'

    Funny old world...

    And always remember that mothers lose their marbles and do really weird things as they age, for which there is no rhyme nor reason other than hormone deficieny and/or the onset of some degenerative brain disease. And there is a lot of radiation coming off the granite in Cornwall, remember?

    Mine has taken to cutting down all the trees in her garden. I guess it's because she doesn't have any money or property left with which to play silly mind games in her Will.

    Love and hugs

    Denise xx

  2. Such sane words are indeed a comfort - still hurts though.

    Bob doesn't care either, he's sitting in front of the wood burner licking his bottom. But that's cats for you!
