Friday 15 October 2010

Mysterious things afoot.

Another sushi mystery!

Today, one of the sushi went missing. I notice these things because i make it my business to know what is going on with my sushi.

One of them hasn't been looking too well recently, and didn't wiggle about in front of me waving its little fins in that 'oh so tempting' manner. So this morning I climbed onto the work surface in order to check on its well being only to discover it missing.

Just after my discovery I heard some rapid hammering outside and then Blob came in from the garden carrying something wrapped in newspaper and a hammer.

I'm not sure, but I think two incidents were somehow connected. She wasn't even cross with me being on the worksurface.

I shall continue to take a keen interest in the sushi and will report back if any more of their number vanish.

Just off to polish my magnifying glass and to dust the mothballs off my deer stalker.


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