Thursday 6 August 2009

I'm still allive!!!!

Yes, I'm still here dispite the fact that Blob has been heartlessly neglecting me. Not only did she go away for an eternity on holiday but she has been playing mindless computer games for hours on end which meant that a) she completely omitted to love and feed me and b) wouldn't let me on the computer.

But at last I have managed to sneak a few minutes online to give you an update on life with Blob.

At the beginning of June she went away. She filled her car so full of stuff for "Camping" (What ever that is) that she obviously didn't notice that i wasn't there. So I spent a miserable week at home with the other blob who hurled food in my direction twice a day and wouldn't let me sleep with her. Cow!

Blob on the other hand apparently had a ball. She did something called "pitching a tent", slept in a sleeping bag (thats like sleeping inside the duvet apparently), cycled a lot and drank lots of beer (thats something I am only too familiar with - I mean, i'm not suggesting shes an old soak, but she manages to fill the recycling bin every week - enough said?).

Lets face it, she could of done that without going anywhere!

These are the pictures she showed me (like I was going to be
Apparently she cycled 174 miles during the course of the week!

To be honest, i'm not sure why she told me - i'm not impressed and i'm not even sure that I believe her! She didn't come back thin or anything!

Need a kip now - its hard work being a cat!


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