Thursday 6 August 2009

HeShe Sushi!

Its all go at the moment. Blob has finally re populated the sushi bar - Oh Happy Day!

There's little Crispin - hes the oldest surviving fishy. He's grey with a short fan tail, kind of dapper in a fishy kind of way.

Then came Talulah - shes something special - she is what is called a Sarassa Comet - long and streamlined, red on the top and white on the bottom.

Third came Oliver - hes a bit of a fancy fantail with such a long flowing tail it keeps appearing places before he does. Awfully pedigree and in bred, so somewhat stupid.

Finally, came Algernon - hes a little loachy type of fish and sticks to the floor, the plants or the edge of the tank and eats Algae, so kind of the cleaning staff, well thats what Oliver thinks (he is such a snob its not true, but thats pedigree for you).

All was going well, they are all healthy and happy and Blob was elated. If shes happy she feeds me more!

However, she came home the other night and was extremely concerned that Talulah had turned bad and was chasing Crispin and Oliver mercilessly around the tank and trying to eat their tails.

I have to admit, watching fish chasing eachother round and round the tank, flicking their little fins and glistening in the light really does it for me, but Blob wasn't having it.

She spent hours on the internet researching prominent ridges on the abdomen and something called 'outy bottoms'.

Finally, she came to the scientific conclusion that Oliver and Crispin are girls and the lovely Talulah is a boy. Not sure about Algernon - but he is the cleaner and he only comes out at night so he doesn't count.

I am now watching with great interest because if Talulah has her/his way and it doesn't appear that Oliver and Crispin have much choice, there could well be more sushi on the way!



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