Thursday 6 August 2009


Back again!

One of the things Blob kept going on about when she came back from her holiday (that's the one she took without me lest anyone forget), is this thing called Bewilderwood.

Apparently it is quite brilliant from concept through delivery and she thinks everyone should go there at some point (not me evidently or she would have taken me with her on holiday - not that i'm bitter).

It is a theme park with a difference in that there are no machines or rides or water flumes, but it is a green place inhabited with faerie folk of different types. They live in the trees and make rope bridges and have adventures
as detailed in two books that have been written to accompany the park.

Blobs favourite bit apparently was the den making area. In her words, "Sod Health and Safety - its just a huge area with plenty of trees and loads of branches and logs. The kids run riot building themselves dens and even I, as a vaguely responsible adult crushed my finger quite badly but who cares! Thats what happens when you make a great den."

The website, should any of you be as weird as my Blob is Worth a look and if you ever go to the Norfolk Broads, then it is apparently an essential part of your holiday.

Thats Blobs opinion anyway but she is a bit odd. Her final words on the subject were, "The only thing that spoiled it for me were all the kids!"

All I can say on the matter is that I wonder if Faerie Folk flutter about in an attractive way, or rustle through the undergrowth in an inviting manner and most importantly what do they taste like?

I think I'll go and watch the sushi swim round the tank now!


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