Sunday 31 May 2009

In the Dog House .... Again!

I am in trouble yet again with Blob.

She is really quite snarly at the moment and although the blame has been laid very firmly at my paws, it really is nothing to do with me.

Since she gave up the allotment (which is a blessing) she has been spending lots of time in the little patch of land that calls itself a garden. Because I like to keep tabs on her, I like to help. To this end I frolic happily avoiding the hosepipe whilst she waters, and I insist on little tastes when she is eating cherries off the cherry tree (she has had at least 10 cherries and 2 strawberries so far).

Unfortunately the minute I try and do something all by myself, the instant I try and use my initiative ... it all goes horribly wrong.

Blob has a huge untidy patch of poppies. Great big opium producing (thats probably wishful thinking) heads of poppies in red and black and in white and black. Unfortunately although they are pretty, they tend to attract big yellow and brown hairy buzzy things. Blob refers to these as

Well in my defence, I was only trying to catch the buzzy things to firstly stop them annoying the poppies and secondly, I wanted to see what they tasted like, but what actually happened was that I managed to knock all the petals off the poppies with the exception of the last one.

The language was yet again unprintable and I suspect that we should be greatful that neither of our neighbours speak English as a first language.

I was furious - how was I supposed to know that it is not a good thing to eat Bees. She said that I was welcome to eat Wasps (like I look that stupid) but not Bees.

Well let me tell you, the day she manages to stop Bees looking so fluffy and bouncy and generally attractive will be the day I stop trying to taste them. And lets face it, the poppies were merely civillian casualties, and you only have to listen to the news to hear how that is apparently quite acceptable.

I got my own back ... the poppy shown in the picture also lost all its petals. It somehow happened as I was taking a short cut in order to spend a penny by the cucumbers!

I will be keeping a low profile for the foreseeable future - at least until bedtime!


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