Thursday 3 September 2009

The case of the disappearing Minnow!

Life has been fairly uneventful here in my house with Blob. So quiet in fact that I have had to take up a new hobby. I am now an official cat detective. Exciting isn't it!.

It all started when Blob, not being satisfied with her three vaguely happy fish and all their somewhat strange sexual shenanigans, and she came home with six minnows. I believe that they had a posh name such as 'White Cloud Mountain Minnows', but who cares! The interesting thing was that there were six shiny swimmy things flying around the sushi bar and as soon as Blob leaves for work, I spent many happy hours on the kitchen work surface counting them!

It was a couple of weeks ago that she invited another Blob round for supper (to which i was not invited despite several passionate attempts to sit on the table.)

So there we are, my Blob, the other Blob that lives here and a third Blob all gathered around the sushi bar ignoring me. Third blob said ' so what are your minnows called'. My Blob responded, 'Pugh, Pugh, Barney McGrew, Cuthbert, Dibble and Grub'. Apparently this is a 'Blob Joke'!

Third Blob looked very closely at the sushi bar and said, 'but there are only five!'

Now the facts of the matter appear to be as follows:
  • Goldfish do not eat minnows.
  • They have plenty to eat.
  • There are lots of plants for them to eat.
  • Talulah is persuing anything vaguely female with vigorous enthusiasm.
  • Crispin is looking extremely large and slow.
  • The algae eater 'Algernon' is just a cleaner - or is he. Hong Kong Fooey was supposedly just a cleaner so perhaps Algernon has a secret alter ego.
  • Oliver (nice but dim) is still looking very pretty and floaty and therefore obviously innocent.
I spent hours and hours interrogating the sushi (actually I just lay down next to the Sushi Bar and stared at them), and have come up with the following theories:
  • Goldfish probably don't intend to eat minnows, but Crispin has a very big mouth.
  • Talulah may have been particularly attracted to the vanished Minnow (subsequently discovered to be Cuthbert) and in view of the considerable size difference, any covert activities of a possibly sexual nature would have probably finished Cuthbert off.
  • Crispin laid some eggs, and then wasn't so large and slow - so is either completely not guilty of nefarious activities, or was suffering from pre natal depression and can put in a plea of temporary insanity.
  • Algernon is actually leading a double life, not as a super hero, but as a disgraced government assassin in hiding.
  • Oliver is still so floaty and pretty and watchable that she couldn't be involved in any way. (Take my word on that - I'm a cat)
Anyway, two water changes later, and we've still not found the skeleton so the theories will remain, but what really happened to Cuthbert will remain a mystery to all of us (except the sushi - obviously).

Ooooh, its supper time!!!!!!!!!!!

Speak soon.


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