Saturday 23 April 2011

Its an outrage!

This week, Blob decided to inflict further torture on me.
She refused me my 20 minutes in the bathroom basin in the morning and forced me to drink out of some weird contraption that she refers to as a drinking fountain.
She is also being particularly cunning about it.

  • She offers me treat biscuits but only if i eat them off her hand which is right next to the fountain.

  • She feeds me in a little bowl which is attached to the fountain.

Basically what this means is that although i hate it and absolutely refuse to go near it, I have no choice. And whilst I am being forced to be near it, I may as well have a little sip.
I try to not go near it when she is watching because I dont want her to think that she's won, but apparently she found my hair in the filter when she cleaned it which means she knows that I have succumed!

The second torture this week consists of a tub of something smelly under the table, not too far from my new drinking fountain, that farts continually. Blob refers to it as her homebrew! It is supposed to be wine in the making, but lets face it, it smells nothing like wine. She thinks she's going to drink it in about four weeks! (I have so got to be there to watch that!).

I think that her reaction when drinking that will link karmically to all the misery she put me through with the drinking fountain.


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