Monday 11 April 2011

George and Henry

Today Blob went to a family 'do'. Apparently this means she went to Steyning in Sussex, ate loads, was polite, ate more and remained polite. She also took the opportunity to pop in and visit George and Henry who live at Godmother Jacky's house.

I knew this because when she got back she reeked of other cat and if she had not been so late for my dinner, I would have had serious words. George and Henry are apparently smaller than me (lets face it, thats not particularly difficult)and a little more delicate (not hard either!) but they are both happy healthy cats who sleep a lot.

They are brothers and have been together all their lives - heres a picture of their happy togetherness. If the truth be told there is a certain amount of sibling rivalry which you cannot see from this photo, but Henry takes an inordinate amount of pleasure in sneaking up and jumping on George. George on the other hand has his mind on other things. He has in fact decided to lose a lot of weight ...

"Are you eating anything?" asks Blob

"Of course" says George, "But i dont eat a lot or Ill get fat"

"And that would be a problem, why?" asks Blob

"The agencies won't take me if I'm fat"


"Model Agencies" says George.

"Model Agencies?" says Blob

"Yes!" says George "If you carry any excess weight you cant be a super model"

"You're going to be a super model? Why on earth would you want to do that?"

"I'd be really good as a super model" says George, "Obviously!"


"Oh yes" Said George, "I take great photos, and I'm a natural for the Cat Walk!"

Jacky is not so sure about the supermodel thing - she reckons that there might be something wrong with George, other than a recent move from Cornwall and a Brother that keeps on jumping on him, so Blob said she would ask Hen Keeper Illustrator Andy who is also a vet in his spare time if there are anyother reasons for cats getting thin but still being happy and active and making bad cat puns other than being a supermodel.

So Hen Keeper Illustrator Andy who is also a vet in his spare time, over to you!


1 comment:

  1. I respond for Hen Keeper Illustrator Andy who is also a vet, because we, too, have a cat who is losing a lot of weight but otherwise seems chipper, and has recently undergone a gamut of tests under the hand of aforesaid HKIA in his veterinary capacity.

    So - could be thyroid, or diabetes or liver problems. Or worms. Not-so-fat Phoebe's blood tests have come back 'no' to thyroid (even though her thyroid is enlarged - work that one out), 'iffish' for diabetes so the jury is still out on this one, especially as she is drinking lots at the mo. Her liver test, however, indicates more investigation is needed e.g an ultrascan. No worms.

    Phoebe is oblivious to all this hoo-ha. She is currently reclining in the sun and says, 'I'm nearly 16, for heaven's sake. Of course I'm going to get thinner. Also I have been doing spin circuits and bodypump at the gym.'

    General advice it to get George to vets for blood and urine test.
