Sunday 28 November 2010

In the Dog House

I am truly and deservedly in the dog house - there are no dogs but to be honest i would probably have deserved it if there were. I am a very bad kitty.

Today for her lunch, Blob had chicken.

I like chicken and asked her politely if I could have some.

Now Blob and I quite often come to blows over her food, mainly because it smells so much nicer than mine.

However today when she pushed me away I was a bit more persistent, and this time, when she bawled 'NO!' at me I didnt go and sulk in front of the fire ...

... I didnt do that at all ...

... what i actually did is jump on to her knees, sink all my claws in and hiss and yeowl in her face.

Blob was very upset and not just because she dropped her plate on the floor, and not just because i still tried to get the chicken now it was on the floor, and not just because she wopped me one with the plate.

She is still very upset.

I know this because she barely spoke to me when she threw my supper at me.

I know this because when i tried to climb on her for our Sunday afternoon cuddle, she turned away and started working out scout menus on her laptop.

So I am truly in the dog house and deservedly so.

I wonder if it will have passed by bedtime - I dont want to miss my bedtime biccies.

Yours sadly and repentently,


1 comment:

  1. Oh's going to take a lot of schmoozing to get out of this one. If I were you I'd learn to make a tray of tea and muffins immediately and deliver them to Blob on your hands and er....hands...paws...feet...
