Saturday 27 November 2010

Noxious Fumes

Today my Big Pink Blob has been on one! Im not sure what 'On One' means quite but I think its young persons speak for really busy, and going at things non stop.

If it doesnt mean that, then I apologise to the young people and start to worry because now I and Blob have no idea what they have been talking about.

But the long and the short of it is that Blob has finished making Christmas Cards and will be set for sending them out on 1 December, or thereabouts.

Part of making Christmas Cards means Blob sits on the floor and sprays lots of black cards to make a picture on them and gets extremely 'stoned' (which i believe is the right word) on the fumes of the spray. Unfortunately, and I'm sure that she doesnt realise this, she is not the only breathing creature in the house, and because i didn't want to lose the nice warm patch in front of the wood burner i just have to sit and inhale as well.

Of course this is entirely Blobs fault, and nothing to do with the somewhat addictive smell of the spray that i was beginning to enjoy before she decided she'd finished.

Once she had finished, I reckoned it was bed time, but no, not Blob. She insisted on watching TV and playing on the internet. She left a rave review of Nearly King Jimbo on the website, looked up three different versions of chocolate cake and of a lemon polenta cake that had been made by Nigella Yummy Tummy Lawson, as well as steak sandwiches a la Jamie Oliver, which then entailed a search for Ciabatta recipies because she wants all the food at her Birthday Party to be home made.

So after this, and a quick search for Focaccia recipes, she evenutally shut down the damn laptop, wandered upstairs, gave me my biscuits and curled up in our pit.

Never have I been so grateful for bed time.


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