Tuesday 23 November 2010


Eureka is apparently what you say when understanding dawns, and apparently it can dawn very quickly. This is particularly true in the case of Archimedes who had no sooner lowered his bottom into a hot bubble bath, when he jumped out again and shouted "Eureka" at the top of his voice. This was no doubt because it had come to him in a flash that the water was too hot, but he was an ancient greek which means he was extremely old, and one cannot expect intellect to be at its peak when you are ancient.

Anyway, having struggled and scribed like a maniac over the last three weeks, Blob has finally written her Christmas Poem. She wrote reams and reams and verses and verses and at about 12.30, Sunday last she put her pen down, sighed with relief and said,

"Thank gawd for that! Its a bit forced and not particularly funny, but at this late stage it will have to do."

Now knowing what i know about my Big Pink Blob, "It will have to do" does not sit easily.

So off she trots into the kitchen, makes herself a cuppa, and suddenly she stops dead in her tracks, puts down her tea and shouts, "Oh £$&*% ^&* ("£)!*&$^ "£$%() &*^%£^&$( &*)&£%" 78*^E£*)"(apparently this translates to "Eureka" in ancient Greek), jumped in front of the Laptop and thrashed the keys solidly for 2 hours.

It is now done. Blob is happy and Christmas will go ahead as scheduled.

Thank you Archimedes!


1 comment:

  1. Hurrah for Old Greeks! Hurrah for Christmas Poems!! Hurrah for things going right at the most inopportune of moments!!!!
