Monday 12 October 2009

There's definitely a chill in the air ...

... and that's a good thing. It means longer snuggles in the morning and it means the wood burner gets lit at the weekend. I even overheard her arranging for the chimney sweep earlier today.

It's only a guess, but taking into account the chimney sweep and the dinner party on Saturday, I have a sneaking suspicion that I will be spending Saturday evening lying on my back in front of a furnace!

Its only a matter of time before the heating goes on - although Blob seems to think that wearing a jumper and woolly socks in the evening will stave off the fateful moment that the switch gets flipped - she won't last much longer!

Life is good when it gets chilly!.

Also, we have a new sushi bar. She has replaced the 24 litre tank with a 45 litre tank and is getting more titbits for me. Now, as well as Crispin, Oliver, Talulah, Algie and the little 'uns Pugh, Pugh, Barney McGrew, Dibble and Grubb (remember that Cuthbert met his end probably by being eaten by Crispin), there is now a new one - this one is a Lemon Goldfish with black tips to her fins and black cheeks, and her name is Lucretia. She's pretty and if she follows form, she will be a he - but Blob doesn't seem to think that matters. And I don't care, because she or he, they all taste yummy!

So that's sushi and the woodburner covered - the only thing left in order to make it a perfect weekend is a nice piece of warm crackling off the joint - and believe me, one way or another I'll get some!


1 comment:

  1. You're sounding very perky, Bob! I can almost see the glint in your golden feline eye.
