Sunday 4 October 2009

Work, Work, Work!

If she's not going on holiday, then she's going away on business. Leeds, Birmingham, Newcastle, in that order. So she goes away on Monday and rolls in on Friday night at 9.30. Does she pet me? Does she love me? No, she falls into a bath and then bed, and doesn't rouse herself til Sunday!!

She has re homed the sushi into a 45 litre tank and is thinking about getting more - how much temptation is a little cat expected to take. Not that I am a little cat. According to the vet I am a bloody great brute of a cat. But still temptation is temptation.

Also, this weekend, her sister called and invited herself, her boyfriend and two complete strangers to dinner on 17th. Blob is fine with it, she likes entertaining, but i think its a bloody cheek. Ill have to clear out for hours and will get shouted at when i try to help lay the table or stuff the pork loin with her.

No blooming fun.

Hope she burns it!


  1. I'm not sure stuffing a pork loin with your pink blob is quite the done thing for a dinner party. Do you????

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Peronally i find it best to bring up a fur ball or something similar just as they are about to eat, this will hopefully put them off thus leaving more food for ones self
