Sunday 4 October 2009

She came back!

At long last, Blob came back from Cornwall. She had a lovely time by all accounts.

Apparently Tintagel is now up a mountain. She was quite
insistent that it wasn't up so many stairs when she went as a child, but now apparently it is several hundred steps to the top and you have to climb up to two tops to see it all.

She also went to see something called Boscastle. A
few years ago, the tide came in a lot and flooded the whole town. I wouldn't have liked that - too wet. Not keen on wet.

She also went to a place called Polzeath which is where she and her sister blob were dragged kicking and screaming every Easter for many many years.

The little shabby chalets that they stayed in were gone but it is still a popular tourist area. She found the rock pool that they fished in every year for sticklebacks.

I wonder if the sticklebacks remembered her. They always threw them back so i spect there might have been 20 year old sticklbacks looking up and saying 'Oh my god, she's back - hide lads!'

She also went to Padstow, thats a town
that you can either drive to in a civilised manner, or you can get a ferry over the bay to. I'm unimpressed - who would choose a waterlogged route to go shopping - Blob did. Shes not all there, I'm quite sure of that!

She went in search of wine in Cornwall - The Camel Valley is the place to go by all accounts - it even looks like France!

She also went to Bodmin. I was quite interested in that. Rumour has it that there is a 'Bodmin Beast' that has been sighted at regular intervals on the Moor. Well, last I heard, Aunty Alice had got her self a West Country address so perhaps the mysterious sightings have been of Alice making her way home after a pub lock in. No stranger to all night sessions at the local pub is Aunty Alice.

Anyhow, Blob saw wild ponies and cows grazing and trecked up to the top of some tor to look at some rock formations (she is so strange!)

Then she goes and treks for half an hour
of the beaten track to look at some white water (its this water thing again - why can't she just leave it alone - I hate water! But the pictures are pretty, ill have to give her that, and I expect there are loads of shiny fish in there!

1 comment:

  1. Lurve Cornwall, especially Tintagel and Boscastle...(sigh)...happy memories.
