Thursday 3 September 2009

I don't believe it!

Blob has barely been back from Norfolk 8 weeks and shes packing up to go to Cornwall (wherever that is). I am not holding out any hope for a place on this evidently exciting and addictive pastime - I shall be left at home to the mercy of the other Blob to feed me if i'm lucky. I can sense some feline weightloss coming.

That reminds me, I never published this because the indignity of a trip to the vet isn't something i like to dwell on - but I lost a whole pound last year - the vets very pleased indeed, although when Blob and I left the vets, I'm quite sure I heard her telling the receptionist that I was a 'Bloody Great Brute of a Cat!'

Is that good?

Any how back to that ingrate buggering off to Cornwall.

As soon as I realised something was up and the tent was being dusted down, I decided to show Blob how much she is actually appreciated. So I brought her a present. I thought long and hard about what to get her and then I remembered that she is always chattering away to those porky little birds on the fence - you know the ones with the pretty red chests. So I brought her one.

She should have been delighted, but there was definately an air of 'angst' and not very well hidden 'crossness' the next morning.

She wandered about muttering, 'I don't ask much, I turned a blind eye to the doormouse, the firecrest and the bats, but you have to go and get a Robin.'

Well if I had known the bird was a friend of hers called Robin, I wouldn't have touched him - maybe.

So I am now sulking, and she is still packing.

I hope it rains!


1 comment:

  1. It's a tricky balance, being a cat who is a friend and a friend who is a cat. For example, Pandora Kitten, aka Pandopants, thinks she is being affectionate when she uses my leg as a scratching post.

    I, and my leg, disagree.
