Tuesday 17 March 2009

Thats it, i'm Leaving

For some strange reason, the big pink blob has decided to renovate her food preparation area. I find this strange as the only reason she has a food preparation area is so she can put my Felix in a bowl and allow me to eat it in my eating corner.
I'm not sure that her reasoning for this is sound. She says that it will enable her to entertain in a more participatory manner. She will be able to cook, chat and drink all at the same time. (Between you and me, she has never had any problem doing that in the past, especially the drinking and chatting bit!)

The first terror was when a huge lorry turned up and a huge amount of non edible stuff was stacked in the dining area.
Then she started moving all my stuff out of the kitchen cupboards and putting it in abstract places around the living room. Can I find anything now? In a word - "No!"

Things got considerably worse however when the plumber man turned up and started tearing up the floor boards in my bedroom and moving radiators and all the while the pink blob just smiled and laughed and chatted to him. Then another man turned up with a big hammer and started smacking holes in the ceiling and the wall.

All of a sudden there were piles of rubble all over the garden and the dining room floor.

I was surviving at this point - only just - then the patronising started!

"Hello little fella!"

"Ooh, is the little puss scared then?"

What the hell do you think?!

  • You are in my house
  • You are all bigger than me
  • You are making a whole load of noise
  • You are scaring the complete c**p out of me
  • The end result is not in any way going to enhance my lifestyle.
So to keep it short, I left home - yes you heard - I left home, I packed my stuff and walked.

I did come back for supper however, mainly because I got a bit hungry - but I can tell you, my bags are packed and if it happens again tomorrow, i will indeed be leaving in the morning!

Sorrowfully signing off


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