Monday 2 April 2012

Of Chamomile, Landscaping and Clever Grass.

Following the clearing out the shed debacle Blob has turned her hand to the Chamomile Lawn.

She has said many times that the Chamomile Lawn was a labour of love and needed lots of looking after, but this spring, she sadly looked at the weeds, grass, dandylions etc that had made the lawn their home and saw precious little chamomile peeking through so decided that things needed to change.

Thus she started digging up the said lawn and made three piles on the patio of weeds for the dump, top soil for the vegetable patch and chamomile for planting later.

During the process she discovered that not only does grass look like grass, but there is also a variety that notices it is trying to grow unnoticed in a chamomile lawn and tries to resemble chamomile before it gets long and hard to remove. This is clever grass, probably something to do with evolution, and it also meant that should anyone have looked over the fence they would have seen her sniffing the weeds before they were relegated to the weeds for the dump pile.

She dug, and sifted and dug and sifted for hours and then despite the fact that she was covered in mud raced off to the garden centre.

Quite often you hear children whinging about school, particularly about Maths, saying that what they are learning is pointless because they will never need it in real life.

I would like to point out that Blob never thought in a million years that she would need to work out what the circumference of a circle was, but if you take a look at the following picture and understand that there were only two blocks left over you will see how useful Pi and the associated formulae were.

Brilliant Blob!

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