Tuesday 24 April 2012

Fine Art

Blob came to the following conclusion today:

A picture of a piece of fine art can in no way substitute for the real thing. 

Blob has never been interested in Paintings - she likes performance art, not static imagery, however, recently she has been fortunate enough to see some amazing paintings and they quite took her breath away.  

The wow factor of art cannot ever be replicated in a photograph. 

You need to see the brush strokes. 
You need to stand up close and then stand far away. 
You need to wander around the room in which the painting hangs and see it from every perspective. 
You also need to breathe in its aura and absorb its beauty. 
You cannot get this with a photograph. 
You can get part way with a very good print, but nothing can prepare you for the initial perplexing tilt of the head and lump in the throat and even eye brimming reaction that a few minutes in the company of an original and beautiful painting can impart.

Fine art rocks!


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