Monday 9 April 2012

Bank Holiday Lethargy

It is Bank Holiday Monday and we are doing precious little today.

I am staring mournfully at the wood burner. With luck it will spontaneously burst into life? Or perhaps not.

It is raining outside and I dont want to pay a visit to the vegetable bed because I'll get wet and that will spoil the day somewhat.

I overheard Blob chatting to her sister, and apparently she is going to 'cat proof the veggie bed'. I am unsure exactly what this entails, but suspect she is going to try and keep me out of it. I look forward to that! I do love a challenge! (as long as its not raining.)

Earlier this weekend, Blob decided that her strategy of buying a very cheap bike that would not get stolen was false economy. She hated it so much she wouldn't ride it. So she went to Halfords and in the Easter Sale and bought herself a brand new bike. And another lock. She now has a D lock, a cable lock and a length of chain and a padlock. It is probably going to take her 10 mins at the beginning and end of each trip to lock it and unlock it, but it will be well worth it to have a bike that she will actually ride.

Any how, the sun has broken through the rain and Blob is getting ready to cat proof things. I suspect I need to be involved!


1 comment:

  1. Buying bicycles? At our age?? Have you taken complete leave of your senses???
    Oh, yes, that's right...of course you have...back in '82 if I remember rightly...
