Sunday 20 November 2011

More Church Shenanigans

Only a week since her last foray into Church, and Blob went again! This time to a Catholic Church - St Joseph's in Epsom.

Was this any better than her last visit?


In a Catholic church there are load of candles and stuff. And there were more songs with dreary tunes.

On the positive, at least the Lords Prayer had the proper words at this service.

Again there was a load of hand shakes and weird stuff going on and this time, the woman in front of her just held her hand there and wouldnt take it away until Blob shook it.

She was more than unimpressed when she got home.

On the upside though, apparently this is the last church parade this year, so unless Blob decides to go to a carol concert, there is no more church for Blob.

She will probably just stick to her meditation. Much more her cup of tea.



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