Sunday 20 November 2011

George and Henry

Blob received an email from George and Henry this week. George and Henry are two black cats who live in Shoreham and their Blob is my Blobs Godmother.

Apparently, George who was a supermodel is now no longer thin enough. It was all something to do with a giant furball which has now been hacked up somewhere.

They are also becoming a bit disturbed because they understand that Godmother Blob is being whisked away for a weeks holiday by another Blob who just happens to be my Blob's aunt.

Well in answer to your email boys, there is nothing you can do to stop Blobs going away. They do however try and ensure that you are continually fed and watered. What you can do however is to use the event against them for many months to come which can lead to a mass of titbits and extra love.

Actually, this will work for most Blobs, but not mine. My Blob is heartless and seems somehow immune to the guilt trips.

Good luck boys,


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