Sunday 13 November 2011

Church on Sunday!

Blob is not a Church goer. She is not particularly keen on organised faiths or the attempt at psychological control of congregations by the church.

However she is a Scout Leader and had to help this morning with the Rememberance Parade at St Martins in Epsom.

She hasn't been to church for some years, not since a friends wedding, and in that particular instance it was bearable because the music included Muppet Show tunes.

This time it was all very different:

  • No Muppet Show tunes, but there were dreary hymns to dreary tunes. (tune is probably an exaggeration).

  • There was a sermon that referred to the X factor. (No idea why except the vicar was trying to keep 'down with the kids')

  • The Lords Prayer has changed since Blob last said it.

  • At one point people tried to shake her hand - thank fully the people concerned were people who knew her, so they backed off respectfully after correctly interpreting her expression.

Was there anything about the whole experience that she enjoyed?

  • Apparently, singing the National Anthem was her favourite bit because she knows the tune and could sing along.

Will she be going again?

  • Not if she has any say in it, however, if not enough Scout Leaders volunteer for the next parade, she may have no choice.

  • A Christmas Carol service would probably be OK, because she knows the tunes and can sing all the Carols.

All in all, not a particulary enjoyable experience.


1 comment:

  1. I feel privileged that one of Blob's best church experiences was mine and Andy's wedding, Muppet music and all.

    We aimed to please!

    I, also, am freaked out when hand shaking goes on in church. When I go to church, I observe a very strict personal body space policy.
