Tuesday 8 February 2011

Who is this Mervyn Peake?

The Blob what feeds me (when it suits her) has been searching the interweb for a DVD for her mothers Birthday.

There was a programme on some years ago (many years ago should Blob be honest about her age) which involved Derek Jacobi - one of Blobs mothers favourites. It was a series about a Mr Pye, who reaped the rewards of his good or bad deeds by either growing wings or horns. Blob cant actually remember the whole story but fully intends to find a copy of the book.

Anyway, she has been looking for the dvd of the series for a 70th Birthday Present because she knows her mother will appreciate it.

Sadly, it is no longer in production, but she persevered and has discovered that the son of Mervyn Peake who is known as Sebastian Peake has a copy of the video and will run off DVD copies for a small sum.

So she came home tonight delighted and raced about trying to find her cheque book.

She doesn't expect her efforts to be appreciated but thats nothing new.

So according to Blob, Mervyn Peake rocks and so does Sebastian Peake for enabling her to get something special.

It's all lost on me unfortunately, because although I could probably learn to read, i would never manage to turn the pages - No Opposable Thumbs!


1 comment:

  1. Ye Gods - and all these years I've been thinking Mervyn Peake is a mountain in Wales.

    Geography was never my forte - but I blame Miss Smith for that! x
