Saturday 26 February 2011

George has it sooooooo wrong.

George, who is one of the pair of cats who lives with Blobs Godmother Jacky who I am sure has been previously mentioned sent me an email the other day.

Apparently my limping technique is regarded with some derision in their household.

Apparently George thinks he has bettered my limping technique by having a sore on his side.

Apparently if he licks the sore he gets lots of attention and doesnt forget he has a sore.

Well i have just one thing to say to you George:


I pretend to have a limp and then forget to limp. Depending on the timing of the said forgetting, leaves me with nice treats and no limp.

You, George, may well get your treats when you lick your sore, but at the end of the day, you still have a sore you great lummux.

And you get to wear the cone of indignity when you are caught.

So dont go calling me the amateur.

Much affrontedly


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