Sunday 16 October 2011


Blob wot feeds me wishes to apologise for me not having updated my Blog for a month!

She, it transpires, has been far too busy with her new job to turn the computer on for me.

Her new job is going well, but it is harder than she imagined it to be. It is also a shock to the system actually having to work for a living, which is something she didnt have to do at her previous job.

She has a very straightforward week next week, and is only doing courses that she has done before so nothing too new and scary. She has a full schedule now up to the end of November and needs to focus herself on the improvement of course delivery.

She has also been muttering about arranging a dinner party for early November and getting on with the Christmas Ode (whatever that is?)

She has also mentioned that she will be allowing me to use the computer on a slightly more regular basis going forward!

I must away now, as I am trying desperately trying to persuade her to put the heating on!


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