Saturday 8 January 2011

Henry and George

Blob's Godmother Jacky has adopted a couple of cats of whom she is very proud. So proud in fact she has sent Blob a picture:Now as an expert in all things feline, I am extremely impressed with their evident lack of movement and air of lethargy. Also, George's attempt to become one with the radiator is impressive indeed.

But .. and there is a big but here ... both Henry and George need a few lessons on 'posing for pictures'. This is something that I am a self proclaimed expert in and below I have put together some pointers!

When Blobs get out their cameras, these are some tried and trusted poses you can try which will get you lots of strokes and occasionally chicken!

This is 'Looking Lovingly Upwards'

'Looking to my right'

'Turning to the left - note this is a motion shot!'

'Upside Down (Play with me!)'

'Looking straight at the camera'

So Henry and George, I expect great things from both of you. Learn from the master!



  1. 'Tis true you are a seasoned model, and Henry and George have a lot to learn in the poise and elegance department.

    Years ago, my Nannie who wasn't my real Nannie but we called her thus any way, had two enormous cats. They were called George and Henry, too. George was a tabby and Henry was ginger, and they used to sit on my father every time we visited, mostly I think because he hated cats and they were trying to bring him round. Didn't work.

    Have you thought of signing up to a model agency??

  2. I would love to sign up to 'Pussy Models R Us' but as you well know - I am not terribly good around different blobs which would make taking direction tricky. Actually, strike that - I am a cat which makes taking direction laughable!! Nuff said!!
