Wednesday 12 January 2011

Lifes Terms

Today, Blob found an interesting quote from T.S. Eliot. We like T.S. Eliot because he wrote about cats and as you are well aware, I is one.

"If you haven't the strength to impose your own terms upon life, you must accept the terms it offers you."

What this means is that you shouldn't worry and fret about never having things your way, or having time to do what you want to do, because you have to spend all your time doing things you dont want to do - you either do what you want and the rest of the world be damned, or you meekly allow the rest of the world to tell you what to do.

Bob has decided to tell life where to put its 'terms'. To be honest, I think life gave up offering her terms for fear of being abusively rebuffed some time ago but Im not mentioning that.
I would also like to mention that being of the feline persuasion, I don't accept terms from anyone, Blob can attest to this as she caught me scaling her book shelves this morning in an attempt to get the cat treats she so foolishly left up near the top somewhere having said 'No More' last night. Granted, I wasn't as subtle as I could have been and some ornaments went flying so and she moved the treats and i have no idea where they are now - but this doesn't mean i am accepting her terms - it merely means that i am biding my time because at some point she will give away their location.
Its a waiting game, nothing to do with terms.
Honestly - no terms being agreed to here.

Saturday 8 January 2011

Henry and George

Blob's Godmother Jacky has adopted a couple of cats of whom she is very proud. So proud in fact she has sent Blob a picture:Now as an expert in all things feline, I am extremely impressed with their evident lack of movement and air of lethargy. Also, George's attempt to become one with the radiator is impressive indeed.

But .. and there is a big but here ... both Henry and George need a few lessons on 'posing for pictures'. This is something that I am a self proclaimed expert in and below I have put together some pointers!

When Blobs get out their cameras, these are some tried and trusted poses you can try which will get you lots of strokes and occasionally chicken!

This is 'Looking Lovingly Upwards'

'Looking to my right'

'Turning to the left - note this is a motion shot!'

'Upside Down (Play with me!)'

'Looking straight at the camera'

So Henry and George, I expect great things from both of you. Learn from the master!


A happy new year and thank you for all our pressies!

I have been particularly slack over the human christmas period, but this has been mainly because my beloved blob has not been to work for a couple of weeks, and we have been snuggled on the sofa watching telly, playing playstation, cooking nigella and jamie and all of this infront of a roasting open fire.

Its been great apart from the fact i havent been fed until midday because thats when blob clambers out of her pit.

On Monday however, she has to go back to work - shes not looking forward to that one little bit and to be honest I will miss her although being fed before midday will be nice.

Blob wants me to announce to all her relatives that she loves her xmas presents and to say thank you very much. I suggested to her that she writes letters - but we can but hope!

So apart from doing nothing for the last fortnight, life has trundled along here pretty much the same as always.

I can now smell fresh bread coming out of the oven and that means melty butter - must go!!
