Thursday 23 February 2012

This is a smiley face. This is included in today's blog because it is just like the smiley face that Blob has been sporting recently. This is because she has been working at Fire Stations for the last two weeks.

So far this has included being chauffered to the Tube Station in the 'Pump' which is the name for a Fire Engine with the water pumping equipment in it.

She has left a firestation after training and has then been hollered at and wolf whistled by the same firemen passing her as they get called out on a 'Shout' (an emergency call - could be a fire, could be someone burning the toast in an old peoples home or could be a student thinking that it is funny to set off the fire alarm in college). This was good because other women on the street all looked at Blob and were jealous because every one loves firemen.

She has also slid down the firemans pole which caused much hilarity for the firemen because Blob made quite a song and dance about it before leaping into the abyss. There was one fireman at the top of the pole with her. There were two down at the bottom to catch her incase she let go and there were two peering through the pole doors and laughing and waving. There was also one who just rolled his eyes and went off to the kitchen to start chopping veg for supper.

Blob would like to state that she didnt need catching at the bottom.

Only two days left of fire stations - she is going to miss it terribly and although she would not wish bad things on anyone, she would love for someone else to go off sick so she could have a few more days on this project. Not bad and very ill sick, but perhaps a touch of the sniffles in a hypochondriac type of sick.

I personally have never met a fireman and suspect it is better if I don't.


1 comment:

  1. Slid down a fireman's pole?? Andy says, 'I bet she has!!'

    I had a fireman show me his chopper once...
