Saturday 10 September 2011

Sleeping Sickness?

Blob has been looking up Sleeping Sickness because she is very worried about me having it.

This is what Wikipedia says:

She has looked at the symptoms briefly of these and decided that i don't exhibit any of the symptoms except for the sleeping bit, and apparently it's not a coma because i actually wake up when its tea time for long enough to eat.

Actually, one of the symptoms of Encephalitis lethargica is psychosis, and Blob thinks that i do actually exhibit that one but it doesnt seem to be a recent symptom, its more of a personality trait that i have always had so she chose to ignore it.

She is more interested now, however, in the German Film called 'Sleeping Sickness' because she says she needs something to do seeing as I am going to sleep for 23.5 hours a day.

So I will continue to sleep, and she will start searching for random German Films on Amazon.



Oh for heavens sake - Blob has just watched the end of Doctor Who in tears - what's going on? - She's normally hiding behind the sofa!


Friday 2 September 2011

Of Spiders and Superglue

Blob considers herself brave. She considers her self above being scared of little spiders. She will scoff jovially when the other Blob squeals at what are considered to be 'Little Spiders'.

However, having pruned the roses and the bushes in the front garden, Blob piled all the cuttings in to IKEA Bags and loaded them in the car and took them to the dump. She also took some cardboard, metal and assorted dump like things.

Out went the cuttings into the green waste, out went the cardboard into the cardboard waste and then as she is about to haul out the metal to put into the metal waste, she squeals like a girl and jumps about five foot from her car.

Immediately a bloke came over and asked if she was ok. She pointed at the rear safety straps and could only get out one word .... 'Spider!'

The bloke apparently just looked patronising and leant into the car to rid it of its unwelcome passenger. He too jumped backwards and said 'Gosh, that is a very huge spider!' (He actually didn't use the words Gosh or Very, but I'm sure you get the picture.

Then another two blokes came across and the three of them discussed how best to remove the beast without actually having to go near it.

Here's a picture of it.

Eventually, they managed to coax it onto a dustbin lid and then ran to the edge of the dump and dropped it over the wall.

Blob actually felt quite sorry for it, because she suspects that its size has something to do with being about to lay eggs, but it didn't stop it from being hugely leg wavingly scary.

She is now convinced that there are other creepy crawleys in her car and will be getting it valeted as soon as she can to ensure she drives in a sterile environment.

You'd think that was enough excitement for one day, but no ..... it never is with Blob.

During all the clearing of the front garden, she split her nail and couldnt find her nail clippers. This is probably because she had been trying to use them to unscrew something earlier in the day, and that means that they could be anywhere in the shed, the garden or the house!

So now faced with the dilemma of a nail that was catching everything and no clippers she had a brainwave - "Fix it with Superglue"!!

Blob would like to point out that if you are going to fix a split nail with superglue, don't do it in bed. It took her ages, quite a bit of bad language and some blood as the nail split even further, to unstick her finger from the duvet.

Laugh? I nearly fell of the bed!

