Sunday 28 August 2011

The Painting of the Soffits.

Blob who feeds me has been very busy today. She actually got dressed this morning which is quite an improvement to her usual weekend slobbery.

First she filled her car with stuff to do a boot fair on the Bank Holiday Monday and then busied herself outside the front door.

She brought her steps outside. She brought her paint scraper outside. She rigged up the extension cable for her sander. She opened the undercoat. She checked her brushes. She wound up her wind up radio. She checked with the neighbours that she could stand in their garden. Finally she made a nice cup of tea.

The heavens opened.

She forgot about her nice cup of tea. She brought in her wind up radio. She bought in her brushes. She put the lid back on the undercoat. She brought in her sander. Brought in her paint scraper. Finally she brought in her steps.

Half an hour later the sun came out.

She put the steps out again. She put the paint scraper out again. Unwound the cable wrapped around the sander. Didn't bother with the lid off the undercoat. Stuffed a brush into her pocket. Turned on the wind up radio. Her tea had gone cold.

Quel Surprise - It rained.

In with the radio. Brush out of the pocket. In with the sander. In with the paint scraper. In with the steps. On with the telly and that was that for the painting of the soffits.

I did think to mention when the sun came out again, but she wasn't having any of it.

Oh, hang on, now its raining - Oh well!


1 comment:

  1. Throw the paint at the soffits. It's quick, requires minimum equipment and adds an air of abstract art to the finished look.

    Go on...just chuck it!
