Sunday 28 August 2011

The Painting of the Soffits.

Blob who feeds me has been very busy today. She actually got dressed this morning which is quite an improvement to her usual weekend slobbery.

First she filled her car with stuff to do a boot fair on the Bank Holiday Monday and then busied herself outside the front door.

She brought her steps outside. She brought her paint scraper outside. She rigged up the extension cable for her sander. She opened the undercoat. She checked her brushes. She wound up her wind up radio. She checked with the neighbours that she could stand in their garden. Finally she made a nice cup of tea.

The heavens opened.

She forgot about her nice cup of tea. She brought in her wind up radio. She bought in her brushes. She put the lid back on the undercoat. She brought in her sander. Brought in her paint scraper. Finally she brought in her steps.

Half an hour later the sun came out.

She put the steps out again. She put the paint scraper out again. Unwound the cable wrapped around the sander. Didn't bother with the lid off the undercoat. Stuffed a brush into her pocket. Turned on the wind up radio. Her tea had gone cold.

Quel Surprise - It rained.

In with the radio. Brush out of the pocket. In with the sander. In with the paint scraper. In with the steps. On with the telly and that was that for the painting of the soffits.

I did think to mention when the sun came out again, but she wasn't having any of it.

Oh, hang on, now its raining - Oh well!


Saturday 27 August 2011


Well there we were, snuggled on the sofa watching the X factor one minute, and the next minute my Blob gets all hot under the collar because she's tired of Chav wannabes trying to sing, and then crying because their hampster died when they were four years old and because of that they were taken into care and had a bad experience at a petting zoo - the experience of which has shaped their lives and is the reason they have bad skin, no taste, fake tan and a washing machine in their front gardens.

For heavens sake the whole programme is based around one question - 'Can you sing?' Everything else is superfluous and un-necessary.

I tried to explain to her that without the un-necessary fluff, the programme would be about 5 minutes long and that would have a detrimental effect on advertiser income but apparently that was far too sensible an answer and she wandered off muttering and is currently rummaging in the kitchen trying to find the ingredients for a fudge chocolate sauce to pour on ice cream.

Mmmmm ice cream!



Blob has been doing secret things late July and early August and i can now reveal that she was in fact looking for another job!

I am not sure what a 'job' entails being of a lazy feline persuasion myself but i understand it to be why my blob vanishes in the morning and doesnt come back til tea time. She apparently hasn't been happy in her 'job' for several months so she went off and looked for a new one.

Well as luck would have it, she has now found a new one.

She will be, starting on the 19th Sept, a Business Applications Specialist for QA, who are the leading IT training company in the UK. She will be based in London and will have to wear a suit for work and not the scruffy jeans she gets away with at the moment.

This is a major change because she has worked for Atkins for 10 long years and has become very 'comfortable' where she is.

And how is she feeling about this major change I hear you ask?

Well she is jumping around the living room in her pants one minute and chewing the skin off her fingers the next.

Honestly there's no pleasing some Blobs.

I shall continue to be a 'house cat' that is a cat that does not work but stays at home and does no cooking or housework or look after non existent children. I was born to the role to be honest!
