Wednesday 15 December 2010

Douglas Adams

The Blob that loves and feeds me has another passion.

She is a posthumous fan of the late great Douglas Adams. She was actually a fan of his before he died, but neither of us are particuarly sure of the correct term for that.

He wrote the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy books and she is also a fan of Eoin Colfer who wrote the final part of the wrongly named trilogy and which was very good. (The films were crap, to coin a phrase). Perhaps he can continue the Dirk Gently novels. It is the Dirk Gently books that Blob is currently interested in. She read them some years ago, and is not sure in hindsight what the plots were, but she definately remembers the theory of the Holistic Detective Agency that based its detection upon the 'interconnectedness of all things'. This is some thing that Blob likes the sound of despite the fact that her memories of the novels consist of a Fridge that was thrown out rather than cleaned, and which ultimately contained Thor, Norse god of Thunder and other stuff. Also that the homeless people of London are actually the lost gods of Valhalla because they have nothing else to do in the day time.

The reason her interest has been piqued is that BBC 4 are about to transmit their adaptation of the Dirk Gently novel or novels starting tomorrow night. The programme starts at 9.00 pm which means she can get back from cubs in time to slob out and appreciate the BBC's version of the 'interconnectedness of all things'. She is really hoping that the ethos is portrayed aptly, but is more interested in the lead actor. Dirk Gently is being played by 'that bloke', you know the one, hes the one that was in that funny thing, he has dark curly hair and a smile to die for, you must have seen him, 'that bloke' - the gorgeous one.

Anyway, I for one am looking forward to Blobs return home and a cozy hour infront of interconnectedness and 'that bloke'.

Heres to slobbing out infront of the telly and hopefully great bbc adaptations.

Also, heres to Douglas Adams - one of the modern greats!


Sunday 12 December 2010


Last night Blob had a party to celebrate her Birthday. She is 21. Although i'm not sure what that equates to in human years?

A party consists of a day of frantic cleaning, and some huge shopping, and finally a whole bundle of cooking.

Yesterday Blob produced one huge chocolate cake, one chocolate pavlova roulade, a peach and raspberry pavolva roulade (that was the healthy option), three homemade ciabatta's, an enormous amount of celariac and carrot remoulade (thats like coleslaw), beetroot and feta salad, huge pots of chicken and 40 cloves of garlic, medium cooked steaks for the ciabatta so she could do steak sandwiches with rocket salad and horseradish.

Today, she has what is called a Hangover. Apparently this is what you get when you drink too much and it means that you lie on the sofa all day eating crap.

Today, there is enough chicken and salad left over to last both Blob and the other Blob a week or two but my Blob chose not to eat any of it - instead she wallowed in a bad headache and ate nothing but marshmallows and peanuts until lunch time. She then decided she felt better and ate chocolate cake and pavlova roulade and cheese sandwiches.

At about 8.00 pm she decided that she needed to finish the bottle of wine she opened just before bed time last night.

At 8.30 pm she went upstairs to ransack her sheets to find the false eyelashes that werent on her face this morning when she got up.

At 9.00 pm she gave up looking for falsh eyelashes because she found one and i tried to eat it.

She is now complaining of a stomach ache and can't for the life of her think why? (I wonder at times like this why the human race is the current ruling species on this planet!)

I wonder if the dinosaurs ever suffered from hangovers. That could explain a lot.
