Friday 9 July 2010


This is really the summer of bees. What with Blobs mate Denise growing bees and Bob making a completely rubbish bee house out of a milk carton which is now homing a couple of spiders, we now have our own Bees.

Last year Blob grew trailing lobelia in a green plastic hangy thing with holes in it. This year she ignored it, and today there are three bees carrying bits of leaf into it and evidently making a home.

Blob is a little reticent about it because although she was quite prepared to home vagrant and asbo bees who had no hive, she is not sure quite what a 'team' of bees making a home in an old hanging planter means to the garden.

"What if they are terrorist bees?" she mumbled through the patio door glass watching them from a safe distance, "What if they decide to territorise my garden and wont let me in it?"

"Were they wearing balaclavas?" I asked, "Were they wielding semi-automatics and machetes? - No?, then unlikely. By the way is it time for second supper?"

Blob sometimes has severe sense of humour failures - no wonder she cant get a bloke.

Looks like its nothing til breakfast then.


1 comment:

  1. Hurrah for bees! Bees in the garden are GOOD! Embrace the bees!!
