Friday 9 July 2010

A Literary Dilemma

My Blob has a lot of books. There are books everywhere, stacked, piled and even boxed. I would guess that this is because Blob likes books. And I would be correct. Blob loves to read but this week she has bitten off a little more than she can chew.

Firstly when she was in Cornwall a couple of weeks ago, she read a book called Evermore. She didn't realise that it was a 'teen' book, but it was easy reading and she wanted the second and then the third book in the series.

Last year she read the entire series of Charlaine Harris "True Blood" novels and was looking forward to the next one to come out in paperback.

Some time ago she read all the Douglas Adams books and thought that that would be the end of that, seeing as he is dead and all.

She is also an avid reader of Robert Rankin and is always looking for further paperback by this writer to read.

She was also looking forward for the paperback version of the latest Dan Brown novel which apparently comes out on the 21st July.

So cleverly using the interweb and a lunch time jaunt to WH Smiths, she has now the following dilemma...

A fresh clean and book smelling copy of:
  • Shadowland, the next book in the 'teen' series.
  • Dead and Gone the next book in the True Blood Series.
  • And Another Thing, which is part 6 of three - a continuation to the HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy, but this time written skillfully by Eoin Colfer which is frighteningly like the originals.
  • Necrophenia - a Robert Rankin novel.
  • The Lost Labyrinth - shes not sure what this is but she needed to get it for the buy one get one half price deal.
She now has until the 21 July to finish all the above because thats when the Dan Brown book turns up.

Her dilemma only lasted a few minutes to be honest, she has now officially started all of them.

I hope its not me she wakes up when she has nightmares!



This is really the summer of bees. What with Blobs mate Denise growing bees and Bob making a completely rubbish bee house out of a milk carton which is now homing a couple of spiders, we now have our own Bees.

Last year Blob grew trailing lobelia in a green plastic hangy thing with holes in it. This year she ignored it, and today there are three bees carrying bits of leaf into it and evidently making a home.

Blob is a little reticent about it because although she was quite prepared to home vagrant and asbo bees who had no hive, she is not sure quite what a 'team' of bees making a home in an old hanging planter means to the garden.

"What if they are terrorist bees?" she mumbled through the patio door glass watching them from a safe distance, "What if they decide to territorise my garden and wont let me in it?"

"Were they wearing balaclavas?" I asked, "Were they wielding semi-automatics and machetes? - No?, then unlikely. By the way is it time for second supper?"

Blob sometimes has severe sense of humour failures - no wonder she cant get a bloke.

Looks like its nothing til breakfast then.
