Saturday 31 March 2012


Today Blob cleaned out the shed. I helped.

Blob threw out old paint tins - I chased them.

Blob threw out an old tarpaulin - I bounced about in it.

Blob swept out the dust and cobwebs - I rolled around on it.

All in all we were having a good time. Until ...

Blob disturbed a mouse nest in the tray of her electric tile cutter. All the mice fled in various directions, but the one i wanted was the one that jumped and landed on Blobs shoulder.

Now I am a cat and therefore agile and athletic, so I leapt to catch the mouse on Blobs shoulder. I am very familiar with Blobs shoulders, because when I was a little kitten I used to spend a lot of time on them.

Unfortunately, I was not quite as agile as I thought and missed her shoulder by about a foot, but that was ok, because Blob was wearing a sleeveless cotton vest and I climbed up it.

I didn't catch the mouse because it jumped over my head and fled out of reach. I could have chased it but Blob started playing another game which involved her writhing about and me trying to hold on.

It was great fun!

I hope we can play in the shed again soon!
