Saturday 28 January 2012


The definition of Serendipity is as follows:

ser·en·dip·i·ty (srn-dp-t)
n. pl. ser·en·dip·i·ties
1. The faculty of making fortunate discoveries by accident.
2. The fact or occurrence of such discoveries.
3. An instance of making such a discovery

Yesterday, Blob had an incidence of Serendipitousness. (Unsure of that word but it's my blog.)

She was wandering through a London alley trying to find her nearest Boris Bike docking station so she could cycle back to Waterloo when she came across a hidden away shop called 'Planet Organic'. She was thrilled and brought home an organic frozen ready meal which turned out to be a delicious vegetable korma and rice, some organic and mild shampoo which will not remove the hairs natural oils and a voucher for a free coffee for the next time she passes which will be sometime next week.

This is serendipity in its truest sense.

However, wandering through Epsom following a hair cut and stoicly refusing to go into Starbucks for a hot chocolate and then discovering an Italian ice cream stall in the shopping centre is not serendipitous - it is unfortunate and greedy and Blob should be ashamed of herself.


Sunday 22 January 2012

Its been a busy beginning!

Its been a non stop roller coaster since the new years bells dinged or donged or whatever it is they did!

Here's a quick summary:

  • New cat foods tried - 3

  • New cat foods rejected out of hand - 2

  • New courses prepared for - 5

  • New courses delivered successfully - 3

  • New courses delivered badly - 0

  • Boris Bikes used in London - 3

  • New bicycles stolen (again) - 1

  • Plays seen - 1 (if panto's count)

  • Films seen - 1 (and Sherlock Holmes was excellent)

  • Bottles of homebrew cider still to drink - 9

  • Times face held expressionless to avoid offence to scouts - 3

  • Times face held expressionless to avoid offence to delegates - More times than Blob can remember.

Blob's main job this week is to book all her years holiday before the end of the month. If she manages it she gets an extra day off and to celebrate a week well done, next Sunday she is visiting Wisley to see the Butterfly exhibition in the Tropical House.
