Saturday 31 December 2011

Nearly New Year

Yes its been ages since my last blog. No excuses. Just been particularly busy or at least big pink blob has been busy which in turn means that I cant get onto the computer.

However, the Blob and I are snuggled up in the house and its about an hour til next year.

I realised about an hour ago that the world doesn't actually revolve around me.

It does normally, but tonight no. Tonight there are fire works and I dont like fireworks and I suddenly realised that there can't be many other cats in the world lying on silk cushions, on a leather sofa with two paws wrapped around Blobs calf because this is the only way that the fireworks wont get me.

Tomorrow I shall have scrambled eggs for breakfast and once again it will be all about me, but tonight and for only tonight I am grateful for blob and all the utter crap she puts up with from me, and that includes vomiting over her clean laundry pile in protest of the hoover about four hours ago.

Blob says that she too has come to a realisation. She said that the world does in fact revolve around her and her thoughts because thought created the universe. Not particuarly her thoughts but lots of thoughts from lots of people who have all created the universe and have become an inextricable part of that universe just by the simple act of thinking.

This being the case, means that she doesnt have to put up with things that upset her just because it is expected, because by putting up with things, means that they too become part of the universe and this would mean that there are things that upset her in the universe which has actually been created by thought including Blobs thought. Why would Blob think something that upsets her - that's not what thoughts are about.

So she will only be allowing nice things into her life from now on. She knows that at just past mid night the phone will ring and it will be her mother. She won't be answering it - the assumption of her mother that she is at home is not a nice assumption. Her mother assumes she has no friends and will relish the thought of her being alone because her mother likes things to be bad.

Blob isn't alone tonight - she has me. And she could have accepted a number of invitations but decided that going out and getting rip roaringly drunk would not do her any good at all and who would look after me when the fireworks get bad. And also, she does not like getting up in the middle of the afternoon with a headache.

Blob wishes all her friends and loved ones a fantastic evening and a great, healthy and prosperous new year.

And she assures me will endeavour at least one blog a week in the coming year. They may be short because she cannot allow me lots of time on the computer, but she will allow me some.

Happy New Year
