Friday 22 July 2011

400 things

Is what the vet man said I would have to lose by next year.

I get stuck with a needle, i get a worm pill rammed down my throat and I get told i have to lose 400 things by next year.

And Blob isn't talking to me which I suppose is understandable, seeing as I took out both shoulders, her right shoulder blade, her left elbow and the back of her head whilst she tried to get me in the box.

400 things! Thats loads and the vet man said just to lose about 20% of my food, which is already meagre rations, and his reason was because I go out and hunt and catch my own food. Is he actually suggesting that I eat the wild things I kill???? Bleaggghhh!

One can only hope that the weekend gets better!


Sunday 17 July 2011

Guilfest - Not The Best.

Blob was a bit out of sorts when she got back from her forays of festival life. Apparently Roger Daltrey has lost his voice. Not that Blob expected him to sound exactly the same as he did thirty or forty years ago but the best bit of the concert was the parts sung by his band members. She was sad because there will never be another voice quite like that, but also because she had to make a decision at the concert.

Apparently Roger was on at the same time as Adam Ant who was on another stage, and the rocker in Blob won out. However as she left the venue, a little disappointed, she was even more upset to see the Adam Ant fans all leaving quite elated. He, apparently, was very good indeed.

She has found out that he will be playing the Tunbridge Wells Assembly Rooms on 2 December this year and will be contacting her friend Denise to see if she would like to accompany her.

She is also up to something secret that I am not allowed to say - she said that my blog is open to the public and you never know who's watching. Mysterious huh!?

As well as all the above, I have received a message from Henry who lives in Shoreham. Apparently his brother George has been receiving cream when they think that Henry isn't looking.

Well Henry, I think you have answered this one yourself - as you say - You are a bit of a fat cat! And that young Henry is why George who is a super model is getting cream.

You could lose a bit of the tonnage and then perhaps you'll be getting cream too.

Apparently that last comment has caused much hilarity and Blob is sniggering unkindly whilst she cooks supper. The words 'Pot', 'Kettle' and 'Black' were definitely used, but I choose not to understand the sentiment!

I wonder if there'll be butter on the potatoes?


Friday 15 July 2011

That Deaf Dumb Blind Kid Sure Plays A Mean Pinball!

It is Friday.

It is late morning.

Blob is not at work, but is drinking hot coffee whilst watching last wednesdays 'Apprentice' on I-player.

She is not at work today because she is going to Guilfest this afternoon. This is a small weekend festival in Guildford. She is only going because Roger Daltry is doing a solo acoustic set this evening and Blob wistfully remembers him in skin tight white lycra and tassels with a beautiful mass of blond curls.

Blob is very strange indeed.

You Better You Better You Bet!
