Monday 27 June 2011


The title does not mean that the Blob what feeds me has produced a beetroot for supper as part of her 'grow her own' kick. No, not at all.

Beetroot is the colour of her face, chest, neck and shoulders.

And why is she this colour I hear you ask?

Well my beloved blob who is also a responsible for a bunch of scouts, went camping at the weekend and whilst she made sure that all her charges were covered in sun tan lotion, she managed to pack hers away and put it in the car and then stand for a couple of hours in the midday sun helping run a zip wire activity.

She is now bright glowing red in an assortment of places, hot to the touch, thoroughly miserable and looks even more ridiculous than usual.

Why it was the Blob race that got given opposable thumbs never ceases to amaze me.


Tuesday 21 June 2011

Home Grown for Supper

Tonight Blob pottered about the front garden when she came home and picked her supper. And all this before coming inside to feed me. My nose was extremely out of joint but did she care? No, of course not - she is extremely unfeeling is Blob!

So whilst i crunched miserably through a handful of dry and tasteless food, she steamed new potatoes, purple carrots, purple beans and a few peas, and boiled a sweetcorn cob (not from her garden). This was all served with a knob of butter and some grated cheese (also not home grown, unless she has acquired a goat and has it hidden somewhere?)

She is now prancing about in her pants (not something to dwell upon) extolling the virtues of self sufficiency!

Honestly - it was 6 potatoes, 2 carrots, 3 beans and a handful of peas - you'd have thought she'd put away enough for winter, but thats Blobs for you.


Sunday 19 June 2011

Not doing very well!

At blogging that is, we are both doing very well otherwise!

Blob has passed her exams which means she is now a Microsoft Office Specialist Master 2007. She is awfully pleased about that which means I get treats.

She has another 8 comic parcels to put on Ebay, but is waiting for a 'Free Insertion' weekend. No doubt it will be a free weekend next weekend but Blob is out all weekend, camping with the Scouts.

Does she have anyone in mind to come in and feed me? No! So it looks like it will be a pile of biccies and my water machine from Friday night to Sunday afternoon. Life is hard being a Bob.

She has also just finished 3 weeks worth of ironing which i have been asleep on for most of the evening (perhaps life isn't that hard!)

The rain in the last couple of weeks has given us lots of raspberries, we nearly have peas and beans, the trailing lobelia and sweet peas are draping themselves around the garden in wild bunches of pink and purple, the roses are smelling sweet and the hop is trying to take over the world.

Of course, the week after this scout weekend, she has a cub weekend - more unlovedness so we are both looking forward to the weekend after which means doing absolutely nothing except feed me and love me and feed me all weekend. Life could be good for Bobs!

Here's hoping!
