Saturday 21 May 2011


Very sorry and all that for my absence, but the big bad Blob that feeds me has been busy and I have no thumbs so cannot open the computer.

So here is a brief summary of what has been going on in No 10 over the last month.

I am now fully acquainted with my new drinking machine.

I haven't had proper meat for four weeks.

Blob went camping with the Scouts for the weekend and froze her proverbials off.

Blob is carefully removing non grape producing shoots from the vine so she can have grapes this year.

We have had 7 strawberries.

We have one Angel Hair Spaghetti squash seedling.

Blob has been studying for her Microsoft Office Specialist exams, but with very little preparation material available because they are new exams, she is using the version before and hoping her exam luck kicks in.

I have managed to dig up four lettuces and an onion from my litter tray in the front garden.

There is now a sprinkling of something Blob calls Cayenne Pepper all over my litter tray and it smells bad, but i managed to get used to the creosote smell, im sure ill become immuned to cayenne soon enough.

We are expecting our first courgettes soon, and the tomatoes are looking very little and green, but are definately coming.

Blobs first homebrew looks like real wine, and tastes like real wine, but shes not sure how alcoholic it is - she had some problems with the fermentation lock so it may not have alcoholled properly.

She has made £80 pounds so far for ebaying eagle comics.

I have taken to jumping up and down on Blob in the morning - this is not something i have always done but it is in retribution for the lack of meat in my diet.

Last weeks Doctor Who was brilliant according to Blob. One of her preferred authors Neil Gaiman penned the episode and so it was a Triple Whammy of Dr Who pleasure. 1. Doctor Who is brilliant, 2. Matt Smith is a great doctor (not Dr Potato Head thank you Denise), and 3. Neil Gaimans surreal intellect is always delicious.

Anyhow, I will be endeavouring to keep the Blog uptodate going forward, if only she would leave the computer open. And on to be honest. And on the correct page would be nice.
