Sunday 5 September 2010

Dieting Blues

The blues I am referring to in the title are not mine. Quite the opposite, I am feeling quite perky and full of the joys of the nearly upon us Autumn. The blues in this particular case belong to Blob. She who thought it apt to cut my supper in half is now feeling the full consequences of her decision.
I have so far managed to keep her up for three nights; twice by trying to destroy the box of go-cat she keeps by the bed, and once by trying to eat her left foot.

I have run raids on her suppers for a week and so far have managed to get away with two pieces of liver (one of them whilst she was trying to find me after I'd pinched the first bit!), a rasher of bacon and although I didn't manage to get any steak, I did manage to render it inedible.

Its just a matter of time before she gives up.

Paws crossed that it is sooner rather than later.
